McIntyre Environmental prepares environmental impact documentation under both the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). We are highly experienced in all aspects of NEPA and CEQA as well as the preparation of a variety of Management Plans, Plans of Development and Operation; and Major Use Permits and Conditional Use Permits for counties and cities.
We utilize a variety of senior level environmental experts which allows us to tap into specific areas of expertise ensuring your project gets done more quickly and more efficiently. Do you have a technical report, application, or other documentation that you are trying to pull together. We can offer the full range of report writing, technical editing, word processing, and graphics support to help you. We can also provide scientific and technical note-taking at meetings and for reports.
McIntyre Environmental collaborates with consulting scientists and engineers for technical studies and analysis to support both NEPA and CEQA documentation and permit applications at the local, state, and federal level. These include:
Biological surveys and habitat assessments to include threatened and endangered species surveys;
Cultural resource surveys and studies to include support for Section 106 and SHPO consultation;
Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permitting for the USACE;
Air quality and noise studies;
Traffic studies; and
Visual resource assessments.
McIntyre Environmental develops and implements public outreach and facilitation plans and helps achieve organizational objectives by designing efficient and productive meetings, workshops and other group processes. Our services are especially valuable for strategic workshops and long-term group processes where we work with a group over a period of time toward achieving a goal. We ensure groups stay focused & organized, maintain clarity, & work collaboratively by applying facilitation methods that create structure & direction for the group.
We can also provide Spanish translation and interpretation services.